The same torrential rains which had caused the Prague flood were threatening to rain on our parade. I assured them that in more than 10 years of doing photography in Prague, I have never had it rain on me and my clients. As the rain clouds moved in and a few drops started to test my boast, I began staring at the sky and busting those clouds with my mind. Y'know, cloud busting. Like Clooney in that movie.
It seemed to work; the rain was held at bay. Contrary to popular belief, bright sun is NOT the best lighting for portraits, as you get squinty eyes, hard shadows and washed out backdrops.
We began our 'photo tour' at Vrtbovska Zahrada (Vrtba Gardens) in Mala Strana, the Castle quarter of Prague. These hidden gardens are a must see for anyone wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of the Prague tourist season--almost nobody knows about these beautiful gardens. You can literally walk right by the small stone archway which enters the park.
Inside the terraced gardens, we climbed the steps to experience one of the most incredible views of Prague. Often the best kept secrets of Prague are just off the beaten path.

Next we took some photos around the Charles Bridge. Rather than spending too much time walking on the crowded bridge, we took some fun and playful shots on the steps and along the river front.
As we were taking our photos, a string quartet began playing beneath the bridge and it was time for the Big Surprise: Karen popped the question. On bended knee with a beautiful musical backdrop, Karen proposed to Ashley.
It was simply the most romantic moment I have ever witnessed.